About us

Since 2006, Kubrick Poetry Society (KPS) has been promoting poetry reading and writing in Hong Kong. In 2020, we are introducing a series of online writing courses. We aim to provide guidance and prompts for writing Chinese and English poetry, as well as fiction and short fiction. Our instructors are acclaimed poets and writers based in Hong Kong and other parts of the world. We hope to provide a supportive place where poets and writers are able to get inspired, to share, to find their voices and master their skills. Join us at https://kubrickpoetry.teachable.com, and we will explore together the wonderful world of writing!



自2006年以來,寇比力克詩會一直致力於香港推廣詩歌寫作和閱讀欣賞。2020年我們有新的動向,發展一系列網上寫作課程,包括中文詩歌、英文詩歌和小說課程。我們的導師是來自香港和其他國家的著名詩人和作家。我們成立網上寫作課程的目標是幫助想寫作的人士,找尋靈感和磨練技巧,與志同道合的人交流,培養生機勃勃的創作土壤。請瀏覽我們的網址https://kubrickpoetry.teachable.com, 讓我們一起遨遊書寫世界!